Our Stories

“My patients are here 3 days a week, for 4 hours at a time. It’s very hard on them, it’s almost like it’s their job. Some of them come from an hour away - because of the care that we provide and because they need it to survive – which is very depressing. But we do our best to provide our patients with the care they need and implement a loving environment. For us, it’s about making these patients' lives as easy as possible and making sure we protect them. Policymakers shouldn’t make it any harder than it already is.”
- Catherine, Clinic Manager

“My stress level was high. I was paying for a lot of my medication out of pocket, and I was just sort of hoping and praying that my daughter didn't also get sick, because she was uncovered, and any illness that she may have had or any medication that she may have needed would've also had to come out of pocket expense for me. While my daughter and I were not covered by health insurance, I had to incur debt on my credit cards in order to keep us healthy.”
- Kristal Bell, Dialysis Patient, in response to being forced off her health insurance because of ESRD

“For me, the most rewarding part about this job is getting to know these patients. Seeing them three times a week for four hours at a time, they really become like family to us.”
- Jennifer, Dialysis Nurse

“Since I'm the sole provider for my family, when I was on dialysis, it was a lot of stress for me to think of myself possibly losing my insurance, my health insurance, and also for my daughter to lose her health insurance. It's very important as a provider that I know that she would be okay as well as myself.”
- Merida Bourjolly, Former Dialysis Patient and Current President, Dialysis Patient Citizens Education Department

“Dialysis creates a real hardship for our patients and their families – their kidneys are working 4 hours a day, 3 times a week. Ours are working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So, that’s important to understand. It really drains them.”
- Austin, Dialysis Nurse